Pruning Enhances Earlier Flowering in Hylocereus undatus (27 IHC 摘要發表一)

Pruning Enhances Earlier Flowering in Hylocereus undatus

Yi-Lu Jiang, Tzong-Shyan Lin , Chung-Ruey Yen

Responses of heading-back and thinning-out pruning on white pitaya (Hylocereus undatus) were studied in the commercial orchard.

Shoots thinned-out in November or December resulted in earlier vegetative- bud sprouting and higher percentage of their transformation into flowering shoots from either current or non-current year shoots, although their initial flowering dates did not differ from the unthinned ones.

Current shoots were headed-back in June to 30, 60, 90, or 120 cm of length.

Those retained 120 cm of length had the earliest initial flowering and the highest percentage of transforming into flowering shoots.

Shoots were headed-back 10%, 25%, 50%, and 75% of their original length in February.

During the initial flowering period, the percentage of current or non-current shoots retained as vegetative increased whereas their transformation into flowering shoots decreased with increasing severity of pruning.

Current shoots with 10% of heading-back length had the earliest and the highest percentage of flower-bud formation.

Current shoots were headed-back 10% of their original length during January, February, March, and April and those pruned in January, February, and March showed earlier initial flowering and higher percentage of transforming into flowering shoots.

The results indicated that different types of pruning can be used for manipulating vegetative and reproductive growth of white pitaya.



第一次踏上國際舞台 第一次感受到學術研究的魅力



這條學術研究的漫漫長路 或許也蠻有意思的

The Formation of Flower Bud and Shoot in Pitaya (Hylocereus sp.) Is Regulated by Photoperiod (摘要發表二)

The Formation of Flower Bud and Shoot in Pitaya (Hylocereus sp.) Is Regulated by Photoperiod

Jiang, Y. L.; Lin, T. S.

Pitaya (Hylocereus sp.) usually flowers from April to October but grows vegetatively from November to May in northern Taiwan.

We tried to adjust the reproductive and vegetative growth period of pitaya by changing the length of photoperiod during summer and fall.

When the photoperiod in the summer was reduced to 8 hr flowering is completely inhibited whereas the percentage of shoot flushing enhanced significantly.

When photoperiod is extended by 4-hr night break during the night from mid September 28 % of the treated shoots formed flower buds up to mid November but those control plants are terminated in flower-bud formation on Oct 1st.

Shoot sprouting began from November and higher percentage of sprouting occurred in the control plants than that in the treated ones up to the end of January, 2010.

The results indicated that photoperiod plays an important role in the regula­tion of vegetative and reproductive growth in pitaya.




不過 皮塔屋完成紅龍果開花生理研究的關鍵因子




The Photoperiod-regulated Bud Formation of Red Pitaya (Hylocereus sp.) (第二篇 SCI)

The Photoperiod-regulated Bud Formation of Red Pitaya (Hylocereus sp.)

HORTSCIENCE 47(8):1063–1067. 2012.

Yi-Lu Jiang, Yuan-Yi Liao, Tzong-Shyan Lin, Ching-Lung Lee, Chung-Ruey Yen and Wen-Ju Yang*;47/8/1063

Red pitaya (Hylocereus sp.), which flowers between May and October and sprouts between November and May in Taiwan, has been confirmed to be a long-day plant.

The areoles on the old shoots may be induced to flower after the March equinox naturally, and the floral bud formation occurs in two to three waves from May to October.

We conducted experiments on photoperiodic regulation of floral bud formation from June to Dec. 2009 and tested the feasibility of off-season production in 2011.

Shortening summer daylength to 8 h inhibited the areoles at the distal end of the shoots to develop into floral buds and promoted sprouting at the proximal ends of the shoots.

Night-breaking treatment between the September equinox and the winter solstice led to floral bud formation.

The critical daylength seemed to be ≈12 h, and night-breaking treatment would be applicable between the September and the next March equinoxes to produce off-season crops.

The duration of night-breaking required for flower differentiation was longer in the cooler than in the warmer season.

Four weeks of night-breaking treatment was sufficient to promote flowering in late fall (mid-October to mid-November), but 3 months were required to generate similar result in the winter and early spring (January to March) in southern Taiwan.

Additional index words.

day length, equinox, flower thinning, long-day plant, night-breaking

第二篇文章終於在楊老師的督促與大力協助下發表出刊了 ~>.<~

我的研究生生涯 剩下最後一個階段 這學期即將畫下美麗句點 :)




期盼 在未來能在遙遠的TM開花結果............................

Phenology, Canopy Composition, and Fruit Quality of Yellow Pitaya in Tropical Taiwan (第一篇 SCI)

Phenology, Canopy Composition, and Fruit Quality of Yellow Pitaya in Tropical Taiwan

HORTSCIENCE 46(11):1497–1502. 2011.

Yi-Lu Jiang, Tzong-Shyan Lin, Ching-Lung Lee, Chung-Ruey Yen and Wen-Ju Yang*

(Yi-Lu in yellow pitaya orchard)


Yellow pitaya, Selenicereus megalanthus (Schum. ex. Vaupel) Moran, is a potential new fruit in Taiwan.

It sprouts mostly in winter and flowers in late spring and fall. In this study, an average of 60% shoots within canopies flowered.

Shoots sprouted in the current winter flowered in fall and produced winter fruits, and shoots sprouted earlier than the current winter flowered in late spring and produced summer fruits.

Floral buds on most shoots appeared at the distal end.

The weight, pulp percentage, and total soluble solids of winter fruits were significantly higher than those of summer fruits.

The number of black seeds was positively correlated with pulp weight (R2 = 0.87).

The total soluble solids in the core region of winter fruits reached 22.7 °Brix, higher than that in other regions.

Future efforts to improve yellow pitaya production in Taiwan include increasing winter fruit production by enhancing growth of the current year's new shoots through proper canopy management and increasing the size of summer fruit by artificial pollination, fruit thinning, and other means.

Additional index words.

climbing cactus, flower season, flowering shoot, shoot age, sprouting, Selenicereus megalanthus








這些資訊通通寫在這篇文章中 終於在楊老師的指導下 完成人生第一篇的科學文章

皮塔屋在此與大家分享這一份難得的喜悅 :D



黃龍果---魂牽夢縈的滋味 多刺惱人的外表(全世界最好吃的仙人掌果)

皮塔屋閱讀筆記---紅龍果甜菜紅素Pitaya Betalains(二)







舉例來說,換算每100克紅龍果果肉中的總甜菜紅素含量約為28-39毫克,其中以H. costaricensis總含量最高,其顏色也最深。



其實這些問題很好玩,皮塔屋整理了一些關於紅龍果物種間色素組成的差異,供大家參考 :


深紅肉品系多屬H. costaricensis這一物種

紫紅肉品系多屬H. polyrhizus這一物種或其雜交種




紅龍紫紅素含量在紫紅肉的H. polyrhizus物種中最多,


分析結果H. costaricensis中phyllocactin的相對含量最高


