About 5 years ago, I posted one message “about pitaya produced in Malaysia” in pitaya group.
I want to know pitaya could year round produce in naturally in Malaysia. Detail in below:
I am very surprised to hear this information. In Taiwan, we want to produce the off-season fruit in winter and spring.
For this purpose, some studies were carried out, such as, (1) night- break with lighting; (2) heading-back pruning. But, I thought that had some points about the flowering which I didn't consider.
So, if I could collect the information about other countries, it must be could provide some ideas for me to this topic.
I am very interested that the flowering mechanism of pitaya. I begged all friends could tell me the information is correct or not. Thanks.
Three years past, 7 December 2009, I visited pitaya agriculture industry in Terengganu (Lat. 5°N) and Pahang (Lat. 4°N) in Malaysia.
The main focus was that investigated the season of natural flower bud break.
Would pitaya bloom all the year round under natural situation in Malaysia?
The answer probably is “yes”.
But, the amounts of flowers aren’t enough to commercially produce.
The normal variety of red flesh pitaya could produce flower bud at December in Terengganu (Lat. 5°N) and Pahang (Lat. 4°N).
And one special variety of dual-color flesh pitaya could produce flower bud at December in Pahang.
(special variety of dual-color flesh pitaya)
Day-length changed with latitude. In Malaysia, the day-length almost was 12 hours throughout the year. But, the variation of insolation probably has changed within different month.
Those pitaya variety may be sensitive to day-length or insolation variation and slightly changed could induced floral bud imitation.
In my opinions, pitaya year round produce its possible, if farmer with some environment criteria and horticultural technology in Malaysia.
First, the good orchard necessary has low altitude, no shading and well ventilation.
Second, farmer need select suitable variety of pitaya for year round production.
Third, canopy management by pruning and flower batch management by thinning flower in right timing were necessary.
Fourth, the chemical medicine was used to induce flower bud initiation for example CPPU cytokines. It ensure sufficient the amount of flower bud to commercial production.